Sad, Sad, Sad that the only talent some people have is being a thief.
What's the saying, "Flattery at it's finest!" Not in this case. I have spent years fighting people stealing my art and using it as their own to sell on these sites out there. Is that flattery, should I be flattered? I can't be flattered, not in the slightest.
Should I look at it differently? No, I can't, there is something about someone stealing, and profiting off your imagination and hard work. But where are my morals when I am drawing things that are related to the Haunted Mansion, they are, but I DREW them, and a lot of my art is my own interpretation of these characters that I love so much, I didn't just scout the internet and straight out steal the artwork from someone's page, with their signature and post it up for sale on sites? Do these people think I won't find out? I have fans, a lot of them, globally. So, what gives.
IM telling you now, if you are out there shopping and see my artwork on any other site, I will tell you, IT'S NOT MINE! Don't buy it, don't support these people, and do not think for one second they have the authorization to sell my work. They have absolutely zero rights to use my name, MY NAME, or my artwork. This is almost like identity theft, but with my body of work. It's WRONG and it's not fair, and it's not right. Here are the pages that have my artwork on their sites, even one on AMAZON, seriously! DO NOT BUY FROM THEM, if it's not on my website, it's not mine.
If you know of someone who is bad mouthing my name and my work, tell them the truth, if it's not on imafoolishmortal.com, it's not real! SPREAD THE WORD!
Wish.com/teespring.com is selling my artwork without my permission. (USING MY NAME)
peenoke.com is selling my artwork without my permission. (USING MY NAME)
theuniquetee.com is selling my artwork without my permission. (USING MY NAME)
amazon.com is selling my artwork without my permission. (USING MY NAME) the account is under a TAIDao whatever that means.
To be fair, you yourself are capitalizing off of Disney’s imagination and character designs. Are you paying them royalties on products sold?
I wish the “Rescuers” design was yours. I’d buy it in a heartbeat!
File a DMCA takedown with all of the web providers your artwork is on Adam! This is blatant copyright theft. Also if you’re not, make sure you are
Registering your artwork with the copyright office. It’s a lot easier tgan it used to be.