Exclusive offer from Sick Soaps for Imafoolishmortal fans
Now let's face it, we all take a shower or a bath at some point in the week, or even daily. Well, I hope you do you, silly foolish mortals. Have you ever heard of Sick Soaps? Well now you have, Sick Soaps is owned by my dearest friend Cheynne and she has over the years developed the sickest soaps imaginable. Wash with a Han Solo or even a leather face that actually smells like leather. Her incredible soaps are what nightmares are made of. From bath bombs to body sprays, to oils, these soaps are sure to bring out the true haunter in you.
Sick Soaps is offering a discount for all you on her latest Nightmare Before Christmas soaps. What a fun set of soaps to display in your guest bathroom, or even use for yourself. These amazing soaps lather up so full body that you will be sparkling from head to toe after you use them.
The special discount code for all of you Foolish Mortals is NIGHTMARE which equals 20% off of a minimum order of $20 USD. The special offer ends May 31st so get your amazing Sick Soaps soon and you will scream horror when you walk by anyone who wonders what that amazing scent is from.
Sick Soaps also has several bundles such as this wonderful Haunted Mansion series of soaps that will fit perfectly in your themed bathroom, or guest bath. These soaps are so fun, she even has glow in the dark hitchhiking Ghosts soaps.
So, don't forget your discount code exclusively through Imafoolishmortal, visit her at sicksoaps.etsy.com to see more of her amazing line of soaps. I think you will simply die when you see the range of products she has created. You can purchase a single bar of soap or a set. But the trick is, you got to use them. They are pretty cool to look at but are meant to be used. What are you waiting for? Get a move on, go get some Sick Soaps and celebrate all things mansion, and horror.